Casinos are massive establishments with lots of moving parts. It brings challenges on wayfinding to exactly where guests are going and communication to get the targeted information to the right people, in the right place and at the right time.
Casino Resorts introduced Digital Signage to provide wayfinding solutions and engage customers. The Digital Signage needs a reliable and cost-effective motherboard with feature-rich IOs for always-on services such as displays and communications in the central control room to display the right information and monitor how devices working in the Casino.
ASRock Industrial partners with the leading gambling machine manufacturer to build the Casino Digital Signage, which used the Mini-ITX IMB-183 motherboard, an Intel® 4th generation Processor with H81 chipset, for a reliable and always-on Casino Digital Signage to provide wayfinding solution and engage customers.
Designed with HDMI and DVI-I ports, the IMB-183 supports dual displays outputs for the Digital Signage and one Intel® Gigabit LAN to connect the central control room gateway device to display the targeted information to the right people and monitor how devices working in the Casino.
To meet the customer's demands on higher computing power and triple displays with 4K capability, ASRock Industrial introduces the new Mini-ITX IMB-1215 motherboard. It is an Intel® 9th/ 8th generation Coffee Lake-S Core™ Processor-based motherboard. It supports up to triple displays at 4K resolution, including three DisplayPort 1.2 and one eDP 1.4 to meet new customer's demand for the Digital Signage solution.
IMB-183 powers the CASINO Digital Signage
the cost-effective IMB-183 meets the gambling machine manufacturer’s requirements on graphic outputs to build the Casino Digital Signage and increases their satisfaction.
the Casino Digital Signage guides players easily navigate to their preferred games, increase customer engagement, and drive on-site spending with targeted advertising to the right people in the Casino.
featuring industrial-grade design and the 4th generation Intel® Core™ Processor (Haswell), the IMB-183 motherboard delivers a reliable and always-on Digital Signage solution.